1. The Planning Commission in India is now known as
2. Who among the following has been appointed as the Deputy Director General for programmes of the World Health Organisation?
3. In order to encourage the powerloom sector and help small industrious, and joint venture launched by the ministry of powerloom and textiles in 2017 is called
4. The recently conducted indo - Maldives Joint Military exercises was called as
5. India lacks a strong backhaul to get a transition to 5G with in September 2017. Backhaul is
6. Which Tamil Nadu State Highway among these was not upgraded as National Highway in November 2017?
7. Where was the Fourth World Tamil's Economic Conference held?
8. Identify the defence equipment which was officially decommissioned on December 17, 2017 by the Indian Air Force
9. Identify the Playwright who published the work 'Dark horse and other plays' in October 2017?
10. 1. Amnion provides a fluid medium for the embryo
2. The Chorion and Allantois fuse to form placenta
3. Yolk sac provides a fluid medium for embryo
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